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No formal concerts are on the agenda of the meeting, but a lot of improvised playing and dancing are to be expected. Perhaps intended as part as an anthology introduction to a number of artists from all over the globe, this release is also a two-hour philosophical debate between representatives of various cultures as to what comprises Beauty. Born in Bruges in a family of Sinthi Gypsy musicians, this 38 year-old fiddler, violinist, guitar-player and singer developed strong affection for Hungarian folk-music in general, and the Kalotaszeg repertoire in particular. Today, as well as touring in the world, he spends considerable time supporting and encouraging young musicians and fighting humanitarian causes. His songs are lyrically complex and it gives his music a valuable quality: World music listeners, enjoying songs with lyrics in languages they do not speak, are much like Twain listening to a blue jay, having to dig deep into their own sensitivities to find the rewards they know are t...


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